Hidup sehat dan mengetahui cara mengolah & memelihara kesehatan adalah hak setiap orang.
Menyebar-luaskan teknik pelatihan Circulation of “Qi” for Health® kepada seluruh lapisan masyarakat, sehingga tercapai masyarakat yang sehat jasmani dan rohani.
Instructor : Budiman Handjaja
Co-ordinator: Wike Gonardi
Supervisor: Erma Synthesa Sulistyani
Supervisor: Sri Rejeki Setianingsih
Supervisor: Linda W. Tandou Bonang
Instructors Training (师资班) in Lan Zhou, China, July 2005.
Personal photo with Prof. Dr. Li Shao Bo upon Graduation.
Courtesy visit to Prof. Li’s residence after Graduation
Courtesy visit to Prof. Dr. Li’s residence after Graduation
Statue of Prof. Dr. Li. “The Honourable & Highly Respected Teacher of the era”
Farewell to the great teacher at the villa.
Final personal instructions from the great teacher witnessed by Mr. Li Zheng Xian