- Testimonial 41, Francesca Tiffin, Switzerland, Europe.
- Testimonial 40 – Dian Milasanti, Breast Cancer Recovery.
- Testimonial 39 – Priscilla Ku Kei Kwan
- Testimonial 38 – Dr Brigit Heinisch-Rochert
- Testimonial 37 – Ratna Djuwita Tjokro
- Testimonial 36 – Vanessa Wong
- Testimonial 35 – Dr Robert Ho Ting Kwok
- Testimonial 34 – Ivan Yeh, Hong Kong
- Testimonial 33 – Carey Cheung, Hong Kong.
- Testimonial 32 Megawati Alition
Ivan Yeh joined Circulation of Qi for Health virtual class online via Zoom
06 – 13 September, 2021, Class of P321, in English Language.
Below is his testimony.
Thank you Ivan.
Qi Inside Me
First and foremost, I would like to say thank you to Budiman for his attentiveness and soul that he has expressed during each and every session. At his age, to deliver his messages with unwavering energy and passion is admirable, and is a testimony in itself!
His path to delivering his message is easy for all to follow, and is intentional that he looks at theories through several demonstrations and examples. For those who are looking to join, I would say that you will leave, at the end of the 8 days, with benefits of the Qi circulation of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) that was developed thousands of years ago, and an understanding, and appreciation, of how the body functions through different phases of life; furthermore, for those who are keen to learn about our entirety of life, and how we go through the different phases with science, and Chinese theories, will not be disappointed. And it’s also fitting to note that you will be proud of the Chinese culture and theories of human body life, mind, and soul.
Mr. Budiman, I respect your sincere passion to bring forth such a high level of energy and focus to all, and even though in this pandemic time, doing it through on-screen, the experience and impact is easier for all of us to do it at the comfort of our own surroundings. Calming one’s state through meditation is a widely known practice that brings many health benefits, the course we undergo here enhances that, and with the intention of revitalizing our Qi circulation that could have been lost at a young age, and all these will be explained through TCM. The human body is truly, and amazingly, interconnected, and we can take great care of our body with Qi circulation from now, to live a long, healthy, and fruitful life.
The first 3 days, as witnessed by previous testimonials, does need to take a focus, and it is expected, as with all great things, it takes discipline and practice. The second half of the course also goes through many dimensions outside of the Qi circulation, but all in relation to the importance, and to provide a motivation to continue to practice, through many days, months, and years, to follow.
In closing, there was also nice conversations with fellow peers developed. I encourage everyone to use the time in meditation to experience further joy in life, and to use this time to deepen the inner-self, so that you can share this with all those around you and in your community. For parents, this can be explained to your children at a young age, and this I can attest to, that we have done with our elders, with an immediate positive impact. I encourage all parents to try this with your children.
For those who listened to Budiman in his closing remarks, he views it as a duty to share this knowledge with all those around. Even only through the monitor screen, one can always see Budiman smiling with endless energy, answering questions during breaks, and sometimes sacrificing lunch, and if you look at his previous older photos shared in class, it cannot go unnoticed he’s looking brighter and healthier than ever before.
Stay in touch for decades to come.
Best Regards
Ivan Yeh